Zee TV’s first-of-its-kind, devotional singing reality show – Swarna Swar Bharat started off on a very positive note. A humble contribution to the Honorable Prime Minister’s noble initiative of ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence,’ the show endeavours to celebrate our rich cultural heritage like never before. And viewers have been having a gala time as the show takes them back to their roots through a unique blend of insightful and relatable stories narrated through some wonderful verses and soulful devotional music.
While all the contestants have mesmerized the judges and the audience with their extraordinary and soulful performances, this weekend, Akash Sharma from Rewari (Haryana) will steal everyone’s heart as he sings Radhike Tune Bansuri Churayi. In fact, the Swarna Swar Bharat judges including Padmashree Kailash Kher, Padmashree Suresh Wadkar and renowned poet Kumar Vishwas were so impressed by his performance during the shoot that they gave him a standing ovation. But that’s not it! Kailash Kher even went on to compare Akash to the legendary Sonu Nigam.
As Kailash Kher mentioned, “I see you full of energy and enthusiasm in every performance that you give on Swarna Swar Bharat and one of the most attractive aspects of your personality is that it is like Sonu Nigam. You are almost in tune with him, and you are very similar to him. I believe that you will also be admired by the whole world like he is, and I wish you all the best.”
Kumar Vishwas also added “I think every contestant on a reality show should be a rockstar and I feel you are the rockstar of Swarna Swar Bharat. You truly make the audience feel that they should consider you as their favourite idol and I hope you never let that go. You are a complete package and I truly wish you all the best.”
While Akash’s performance is bound to leave the viewers enthralled, wait till you see the beautiful performances by all the talented contestants on the show.
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