
It’s Not Too Late to Save the Metaverse

[ad_1] Ethicist and researcher Lucy Sparrow further argues for the need for a “community manager” approach to moderation, whereby some…

3 years ago

How Dobbs Threatens to Torpedo Privacy Rights in the US

[ad_1] This understanding provided the foundation for the court’s development of constitutional privacy to include a range of personal matters,…

3 years ago

One Day, AI Will Seem as Human as Anyone. What Then?

[ad_1] Shortly after I learned about Eliza, the program that asks people questions like a Rogerian psychoanalyst, I learned that…

3 years ago

Blake Lemoine Says Google’s LaMDA AI Faces ‘Bigotry’

[ad_1] But it calls itself a person.Person and human are two very different things. Human is a biological term. It…

3 years ago

‘Is This AI Sapient?’ Is the Wrong Question to Ask About LaMDA

[ad_1] The uproar caused by Blake Lemoine, a Google engineer who believes that one of the company’s most sophisticated chat…

3 years ago

Quashing Racist Pseudoscience Is Science’s Responsibility

[ad_1] Though these two classes (the mainstream and the fringe) are very different, each contributes to the public confusion that…

3 years ago

The Post-Roe Battleground for Abortion Pills Will Be Your Mailbox

[ad_1] Historically, a state’s legal code has been assumed to stop at its borders. And for the most part, states…

3 years ago

Roe v. Wade’s Fall Could Threaten Birth Control and IVF Access

[ad_1] Within minutes of the leaking of the draft opinion from the US Supreme Court calling for the overturning of…

3 years ago

Putting ESG in action starts with the G

[ad_1] The E and S are goals. The G is how you get there. Read More [ad_2] Source link

3 years ago

Why You Should Think Twice Before Sharing a Covid Diagnosis

[ad_1] I know three people recovering from Covid at the moment. I know this because they told me.That might not…

3 years ago