Somy Ali had a blast on her birthday this year. The Bollywood actor-turned-humanitarian, who now runs her Miami based NGO, No More Tears (NMT), turned a year older on March 25. “The birthday party was absolutely spectacular! Everyone who said they were coming showed up and how can that not make you feel loved,” she sounds happy. Talking more about the celebration, she adds that the party was attended by a very eclectic group of people— from judges, to doctors, lawyers, our annual event luncheon committee members and NMT’s board of directors.
“My close friend, Pravin, who happens to be from India originally, organized all the food. The best part was that my brother (Mohammad) was here. Because he lives in Los Angeles and has businesses in Colombia as well Oklahoma, it is always hard for him to be there. I was beyond elated that he was able to make it this time and the first person to get a bite of my birthday cake,” she smiles.
Given the pandemic, Somy missed celebrating her birthday for two years. “So this year meant a great deal to me. My friends, my brother and above all the donors/supporters of NMT were there which made the night simply perfect and joyous,” she ends.
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