Shruti Haasan is known for her bold fashion statements, often making headlines for her social media posts. She can no doubt pull off any outfit with ease. Shruti was spotted at a dinner outing in Bandra. For her evening look, she wore a black cropped shirt with a black long skirt. She also added her signature goth element with a choker necklace and finished the outfit with classy black boots. Shruti was joined by her boyfriend Shantanu Hazarika and mother Sarika.
Shruti Haasan was last seen in Bestseller, a series that arrived on streaming this year. Her next film is the much-awaited Prashanth Neel directorial Salaar which is headlined by Prabhas.
Shruti Haasan with family
Shruti Haasan with family
Shruti Haasan with family
Shruti Haasan with family
Shruti Haasan with family
Shruti Haasan with family
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