A few days ago when the trailer of Pathaan had released, one got a fleeting glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan in a white shirt as Deepika Padukone and John Abraham’s characters introduce him. Since then, all the SRK fans have their excitement levels doubled up for the film.
But SRK decided to treat the netizens today by sharing a picture of him from the sets of Pathaan and oh boy! You will be left awestruck, just as me.
As mesmerising as this picture is, Shah Rukh’s caption was equally impactful and straight away wins our hearts. SRK wrote, “Shah Rukh agar thoda Rukh bhi gaya toh Pathaan ko kaise rokoge.. Apps aur Abs sab bana dalunga….”
Clearly, all the fans are jumping in joy at the moment as SRK is back, with a bang! The actor is also set to venture into the OTT space with SRK+. But this look has made us all speechless and I cannot wait for the film to release. At the moment, the cast and crew is shooting for Pathaan in Spain.
A few days back when Ranveer Singh was live on Instagram, he had also revealed that Deepika Padukone is shooting for a song for Pathaan in a super fit, glam avatar. Now that I’ve witnessed SRK’s look, I am super excited to witness Deepee’s avatar.
Pathaan is set to release on January 25, 2023 – Republic Day.
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