Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt‘s wedding has become the biggest talk of B-town. And while day one of the celebrations, which was the Mehendi ceremony, was beautiful to witness, it ended on a rather great note with Ranbir’s mom Neetu Kapoor and sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni talking to the paparazzi. While the ladies looked happily tired with henna-clad hands, they were gracious enough to talk to the media stationed outside their house. During this little interaction, while Neetu and Riddhima said some great things about bride Alia, they also revealed that the wedding is happening tomorrow.
Yes, when the paparazzi asked them to say something about Alia, Neetu said, “She is the best.” To this Riddhima added, “She is such a cute doll.” Further, when asked about the date, both of them said, that the wedding is happening tomorrow at Vastu.
Well, the Mehendi celebrations were just too adorable, with the extended family in attendance. Other than Neetu and Riddhima, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karisma Kapoor also looked quite stunning as they attended the Mehendi function. Other guests at the celebrations were Ayan Mukerji, Karan Johar, Rima Jain, Armaan Jain, and Adaar Jain.
Later on, the Bhatts also went to meet their son-in-law, Ranbir Kapoor at his Bandra home Vastu.
Well, the #RaliaWedding has begun, I am waiting to see some amazing pictures coming our way. And with the wedding happening tomorrow, we shall soon get to see glimpses of Mr. and Mrs. Ranbir Kapoor too.
I am totally excited about this wedding and I am sure you are too. Well, in that case, don’t worry for we will have all the amazing updates for you right here.
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