Kareena Kapoor Khan sent millions of her fans into a frenzy when she shared the cutest photo, by far, of her and Jeh from Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s wedding last week. With the mum and son duo twinning in pink, Kareena’s picture perfect snapshot won hearts. On Sunday, Kareena and Jeh were once more spotted as they stepped out for a Sunday ride.
To take in the fresh morning air, Kareena rolled down the car’s windows as Jeh looked out the window. The paparazzi spotted them from afar. In the photos, Kareena can be seen holding Jeh as he enjoys the car ride. The actress can also seen planting an adorable kiss on the back of Jeh’s head. The infant’s cuteness is undoubtedly too cute to handle.
Take a look at Kareena and Jeh‘s Sunday photos below:
Meanwhile, Alia and Ranbir hosted their wedding bash at home on Saturday night. However, Kareena Kapoor Khan gave it a miss. The actress’ sister Karisma Kapoor was seen in attendance.
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