As fans all over the country swoon over the grand wedding of Bollywood’s two megastars – Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, the celebrations will continue during the Grand Finale of COLORS’ home-grown talent show ‘Hunarbaaz Desh Ki Shaan’! The team of COLORS’ upcoming kids dance show ‘Dance Deewane Juniors’, featuring Neetu Kapoor, Nora Fatehi and Marzi Pestonji as the judges will join in the celebrations. While everyone on the show showered love and blessings for the newlyweds and congratulated Neetu ji, Karan Johar who was a part of this auspicious occasion recollected some of the beautiful memories from Alia and Ranbir’s wedding that will melt your hearts!
There were plenty of titbits shared on the wedding. Neetu ji and Karan were the ones that danced the most during the wedding. Karan revealed that he applied henna on his hand for the first time for Alia’s marriage and almost wiped mehendi on his face. However, when host Bharti asked about funny moments, Karan shared that it was rather an emotional and teary-eyed day for everyone. Neetu Kapoor also added that “Mera emotional moment isiliye tha because this was Rishi ji’s last wish ke mere bete ki shaadi ho, aur main dekh rahi thi ke unki last wish puri ho rahi hai so, I only wished that he could see it… but I’m sure he is watching. It was very, very emotional”, she adds!
Catch these memorable moments during the Grand Finale of ‘Hunarbaaz – Desh Ki Shaan’ on 17th April at 9 pm, only on COLORS!
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