Yami Gautam has been garnering immense accolades for her performance in A Thursday as the actress was seen sinking her teeth into such a different character. Meanwhile, her next, Dasvi which has her alongside Abhishek Bachchan and Nimrat Kaur is set to release on April 7, and she plays a jailor in that. While everyone believes she’s so petite, Yami looks so impactful in the trailer that I can’t wait to see more of her. It certainly is a good time for her at the moment with such varied roles coming her way. But it wasn’t always that way.
Yami admits she’s had a bad phase where she even wanted to give up on acting. In a recent interview with Shravan Shah, Entertainment Head, MissMalini, Yami spoke at length about her career and more.
“I’m glad I didn’t give up. There was a point where I thought, shall I go back? If someone decides to go back, I would have a lot of respect for that person. Because this is a very unpredictable place where irrespective of your talent, the decision of your life is in someone else’s hands. That could be out of logic or reasons you may not understand. That reality check is important. May be, if it wasn’t for Bala or Uri, I would have gone back and pursued something else and I would have made peace with it.”
Yami further added that she would have done farming in Himachal or something else and done that happily.
“Nobody likes to be unhappy or want to be made to feel bad about themselves. So, one try was needed. Everyone has their own challenges, but I remember having a conversation with my mother, that if this doesn’t work out, I’m coming back and I’m happily coming back. I’m a different person now in a lot of ways, but the value system in me, the dignity and self-respect cannot be compromised on.”
Well, I’m glad Yami didn’t decide to leave acting and go back. Considering her recent choices and performances, I’d have to say that she’s here to stay!
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