The 2022 edition of POWER BRANDS BOLLYWOOD FILM JOURNALISTS AWARDS which took place at the Sahara Star Hotel in Mumbai saw BOMAN IRANI bag the Most Versatile actor award while Divya Dutta take home the Most Versatile Actor female! Sourabh Shukla was awarded a special award for outstanding contribution in Bollywood. The film 83 took home 6 of the Roaring Lions including critics choice Best Film, Sardar Udham and Pushpa The Rise took home 5 Roaring Lions including Best Director for Soojit Sircar. The Best Film along with Four Roaring Lions went to Shershaah. Shama Sikandar, Manjari Fadnis, Akshay Oberoi, Shantanu Maheshwari , Saqib Salim , Shweta Pandit ,Yash Pandit , Sound Designer Resul Pookutti and Rashami Desi also bagged awards.
Boman Irani made me very emotional when after receiving his coveted award, right from the stage, he pointed out that journalists are doing a yeoman service to Cinema and the actors by patting the backs of the actors as and when they do good work and proceeded to single me out for having gone up to him after the screening of his debut digital film called Lets Talk at the MAMI International Film Festival way back two decades ago at the Yeshwant Rao Chavan Centre, congratulated him for his performance in the film and encouraged him by telling him that I wanted to do his interview there and then because I was very sure that he will not be in a position to give time for an interview after he comes popular. “Jyothi, Please stand up! I can never ever forget those encouraging words of yours. Thanks”.
The event also witnessed the launch of Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri’s latest book – THE TIGER ROARS. The book was unveiled by Boman Irani and Dr. Ritesh Malik of Innov8 fame. The Tiger Roars is a fascinating journey of 12 inspiring success stories mirroring the rise of India- stories picked up carefully from the hinterland to the glamour capital of India, from start-ups to old money.
More than 25 film critics decided the fate of film makers and stars for the 2022 Power Brands-Bollywood Film Journalist’s Awards. Started in 2017, Power Brands Bollywood Film Journalists Awards are now dubbed as the only HONEST AWARDS in the country because, for one, the Films and stars get awarded by those who master— the film critics.
Growing from strength to strength, while the first edition in 2017 had 17 Film Journalists giving their votes, the 2022 edition has more than 25 of the leading film journalists of this country including this correspondent, senior journalists Bharati Dubey and Chaitanya Padukone do an OPEN BALLOT VOTING for all categories and disclose whom they voted for online TWO WEEKS before the award ceremony. Each years results and who voted for whom is visible for everyone to see and results are there for everyone to tabulate themselves— making PB- BFJA the most TRANSPARENT awards ever.
Awards are given irrespective of the winners presence as they are declared a fortnight in advance at least. There are no nominations and journalists are free to give any one their vote amongst the films released last year. Basically it’s the only credible awards in the country and for the same it has garnered huge appreciation, though still only in its 6th year.
The complete list of winners:
http://bfja.in/Result-2017_2018/JURY-RESULTS-POWERBRAND-BFJA-22.xlsx http://bfja.in/result2022.html
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