Bhumi Pednekar is one of the most promising actresses in Bollywood. She debuted with the 2015 film Dum Laga Ke Haisha opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. The movie was nothing less than a roller coaster ride as it revolved around the story of Prem aka Ayushmann Khurrana and Sandhya, played by Bhumi Pednekar. The movie definitely broke several stereotypes with its unconventional scripts and was a hit among the fans. But did you know that actress Seema Pahwa had trained Bhumi to get into the tole of Sandhya? Let’s find out more.
While talking to ETimes, Bhumi revealed that Seema Pahwa was taken first aboard by Sharat Katariya as a teacher for her and not in the film. She further said, “I remember the first day when she had called me over to her house, she had told me to wear something Indian. When I reached her house, she went, ‘Tie up your dupatta. There are some dirty utensils over there in the kitchen, start cleaning them.’ I was shocked but that is what broke the ice between us. It was very important for her to transform me into that girl. We never did any lines, nor did we sit on any scenes; we used to discuss life experiences. It was very different. She literally taught me a lot of household chores. So through her experiences and mine, we kind of built the character, working around the canvas that Sharat had given us. We also worked on the language a little.”
Bhumi concluded by saying that over a period of a few months, they created a girl who was in tandem with what Sharat wanted. And later, because Bhumi and Seema’s chemistry was so crackling, Sharat requested her to play her mother in the film. “She happily obliged. Since then, we have had a beautiful journey. I have worked with her as much as I have worked with Ayushmann. Luckily, every time we have collaborated, our films have done beautifully,” Bhumi said.
Apart from Bhumi, Ayushmann and Seema Pahwa, Dum Laga Ke Haisha also stars Sanjay Mishra, Sheeba Chaddha, and Alka Amin in pivotal roles. The movie was directed by Sharat Katariya and was bankrolled by Yash Raj Films. The movie was released on February 27, 2015.
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