After the Delhi Police caught the culprits behind the major theft at his daughter Sonam Kapoor’s residence, Anil Kapoor took to his Twitter account to express gratitude. After a massive theft at Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s residence in Delhi, the police finally made arrests connected to the case.
According to the police, a nurse was hired to look after the 86-year-old mother of Anand Ahuja. The nurse conspired with her accountant husband to steal the jewellery and cash from the house. The police have recovered more than one crore from the jeweler, Dev Verma, 40, to whom the jewellery was sold to.
The police have also confiscated 100 diamonds, six gold chains, diamond bangles, a diamond bracelet, two tops, and one brass coin. An i10 car has also been recovered which was purchased from the stolen amount by the couple.
Meanwhile, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Anand Ahuja are also expecting their first child together.
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