Ananya Panday is one of B-town’s youngest and busiest stars with shoots and preps always in full swing. She is also the youngest to bag a Pan-India film, titled Liger, for which she is currently dubbing. Taking to her social media, Ananya left her fans super excited with a glimpse of her look from Liger with Vijay Deverakonda. She can be seen dressed in a red off shoulder top and silver hoops in the glimpse from the film as she is all set to dub for the highly anticipated film. She wrote, “Time to dub #Liger”
The audience is super pumped for the interesting new pairing of Ananya with South superstar, Vijay Deverakonda and to see legend Mike Tyson in the film with the Indian stars. Ananya has been constantly prepping and doing workshops for her Excel Entertainment film, Kho Gaye Hum Kahan these days which also stars Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav, and is clearly juggling dub for Liger simultaneously.
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