Singer, actor and dancer Akshara Singh’s new song Rocket Jawaani yet again becomes a song which is heard on a loop. The talented artist is a big face in Bhojpuri industry and has slowly stepped into Btown. Akshara is having a great run and also posted a picture with the perfectionist Aamir Khan recently. But Akshara has always stayed grounded and has made sure to entertain her fan base back in where she has a huge fan base. Rocket Jawaani has a surprise where we see Akshara Singh doing a small rap. Well, we have all known how good a singer is Akshara and with her rap in the song, she has set a new level of expectations for all her fans.
Let me tell you that, the song Rocket Jawaani has a big connection with Actor Ranveer Singh. The song which endorses the brand was previously endorsed by Ranveer Singh and the song which was out too was a massive hit. Walking on the same lines, Akshara claims that this song has a lot of connection with Ranveer Singh.
In an exclusive conversation with us she shares, “This song is very special to me. I have not just done singing over her but I have also rapped. Ranveer ka bohat he connection hai Babu Bhaiya isme (it indeed had a lot of similarity with Ranveer Singh) and I am glad I could be able to do a song which has an endorsement that was previously done by him. The rap too over here has been inspired by him.”
She further adds, “I really look upto him and when I being able to do multiple things, I hope I do justice to them. Also, my fans have also been my strength and support. There are lot of great things coming up and I will surely keep everyone updated about it.”
Akshara Singh’s songs are known to break many records with many garnering million and billion views. We hope Rocket Jawaani too reaches that milestone!
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