Abhishek Bachchan has said that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has helped him deal with negative criticism. The Guru actor has always spoken highly and fondly about his wife. In the past, he has mentioned several times how Aishwarya has been a pillar of support for him, and the various things he has learned from her. In a recent interview with ANI, Junior Bachchan shared that he has learned how to deal with negative criticism with her help.
Talking to ANI News, Abhishek shared what Aishwarya told him regarding dealing with negativity. He said, “My wife once told me that, ‘You get 10,000 positive comments but you get affected by one negative comment. You should concentrate on positivity and experience the beauty of the positive world’ so I always try to look at things with positivity.” The actor said that he now does not let criticism and failures affect him. Instead, he shared, that he looks at them as positives and tries to learn from them to be a better person.
On the work front, Abhishek is currently gearing up for the release of his upcoming film, Dasvi. In an interview with ETimes, the actor was asked if his daughter Aaradhya Bachchan has influenced his choice of projects off-late. He replied that his creative choices have indeed changed keeping his family and daughter in mind. “As any parent would tell you, your child fashions a lot of your mindset. Not just in your professional life, it’s every day. I’ve always been somebody who gives a lot of importance to family. So, obviously, I’m no different. My creative choices have indeed changed over time, keeping my family, my daughter in mind,” said Abhishek.
Talking about Dasvi, the Tushar Jalota directorial also features Yami Gautam and Nimrat Kaur in pivotal roles. Backed by Maddock Films and Jio Studios, the film will release on OTT platforms on the 7th of April.
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