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A Quick Guide on the Common Types of Back Pain

A Quick Guide on the Common Types of Back Pain

Are you one of the nearly 65 million Americans living with back pain? If so, you know how debilitating and scary it can be to experience so much discomfort without understanding its source.

Did you come here wondering why does my back hurt? Hopefully, we can help you solve the mystery. Read on to explore the different types of back pain and learn what they mean.

Then, once you’ve identified the issue, you can delve into back pain treatment.

The Primary Types of Back Pain

It is important to note that in addition to these common causes of back pain, there are a wide variety of other factors that can cause discomfort – like depression and insomnia. And, in some cases, no anatomical reason is ever found for a patient’s pain.

Muscle Strains and Ligament Sprains

If you’ve been playing sports, performing manual labor, or otherwise physically exerting yourself, there’s a chance that you’ve pulled something.

Muscle strains can be quite painful, with injury and irritation of the muscles as well as the tendons that attach them to bone. Sprains are similarly uncomfortable, with injuries to the ligaments, or connective tissue that binds the bones together.

Most commonly described as a deep or aching pain, minor strains and sprains can be treated with compression, elevation, and ice – as well as over the counter pain medication.

Nerve Pain

Of all the different back pain causes, nerve pain is among the most severe. And, it can come with strange symptoms like numbness and tingling or deep radiating pain that extends out into the body’s extremities.

Nerve pain is not self-correcting, with few exercises and home remedies helping in the long term. Instead, most patients require medical intervention.

If you have symptoms of nerve pain, look into seeing a chiropractor right away. Click here to learn more about how they can help!

Fractures and Bone Spurs

If you have a deep aching back pain that seems to come from the spine, there’s a chance that you’re dealing with osteoarthritis, also known as spondylosis, when it’s found in the spine. This condition, along with osteoporosis, can lead to weakened or even collapsing vertebrae, as well as painful grinding in the spinal column.

This is the least common form of back pain, often attributed to arthritis, age, and wear and tear. But, if you feel that your back pain is coming from your bones, you should visit a doctor and have a DEXA or bone density scan performed.

Getting Rid of Back Pain

Now that you know a bit about the primary types of back pain, it’s time for a self-assessment. Check in with yourself about what you’re really feeling – and where. Then, get in touch with a local chiropractor or spinal specialist.

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